Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Day 65 - Allegiance Story

Allegiance Story
Matthew Ryan Fischer

He was stabbed in the back.  Again and again and again.
The first blow was enough to knock him to his knees.  Then someone’s hands pushed him to the ground.  He could feel more than two sets of hands on him, pushing him down to the ground.  His face was pressed down and held in place so he couldn’t turn and see them.  A knee was placed in his lower back and the full weight of a heavy individual came crashing down.  He was not going anywhere.  Several other arms and hands and feet were placed on his appendages to make sure there was no resistance possible.
This was a large assembly of some sort.  Criminals?  Thieves?  Sadists?  A confederacy of serial killers?  He had no idea.  It made no sense to him.  An obscured act with yet undefined goals.
Pain certainly.  But pain with seemingly little purpose other than that. They made no attempt for his money.  They made no attempt to hold him ransom or extort some action out of him.  They made no attempt to kill him. 
It became a slow torture.  They knew they could do what they wanted.  They knew they could take their time.  The stabs were replaced with tiny little slashes and slices.  Just enough to let you know they were there.  Just enough to hurt.  Just enough to draw a little blood and keep you down and them on top.  What was the point in ending something when you could just make it seemingly last forever?
He thought of the sharp pain when he got a paper cut once under his fingernail.  Was that worse?  He couldn’t say.  Somehow you grow numb with an overabundance of pain.  Some trick of the body he thought.  Thanks body, thanks for somehow making a paper cut worse than this.  He had heard of “death by a thousand cuts.”  Would this be by a thousand paper cuts?  Was that actually possible?  Would that draw enough blood?  Were they here to find out?
Someone whispered his name.  It was quiet and muffled and there were grunts and struggles and other noises to mask it, but it had been said.  Justin had heard his name.  They knew him, or at least someone did.
Was it a conspiracy?  “Et tu brute?”  Justin had no Caesar complex.  Whatever his level of narcissism was, it wasn’t great enough to allow that level of self-delusion.  Or at least he didn’t think it was.  He thought he was honest with himself, but really who knows that sort of thing?  At some point it’s all subjective.
He tried to think through the pain.  He never thought he had any enemies.  But he wasn’t sure.  Sometimes enemies don’t show themselves until it’s too late and sometimes enemies don’t even realize themselves that they are enemies.  Enemies were tricky that way.  You never knew for sure who was going to do what and often times they did a million things in between.
He tried to think about his past.  There were people he had wronged.  Women he had mistreated.  Once he had had an affair, and never told either woman about it.  There were friends he had abused.  He asked for favors and assistance, but seldom returned the trouble.  He took more than his fair share and was bad when the bill came.  Once he revealed a secret he promised to keep.  There were co-workers he had never cared about.  He had lied and acted like he was their friend.  He had befriended them for his own selfish purposes; using them to pawn off work to and make his job easier and his day go faster.  Once he had found out information at a private party and used it to incriminate a business rival and receive financial gain.
He couldn’t believe that any of these things made him worthy of torture and murder.
“That’s life,” he sang in his head.  “…some people get their kicks stomping on a dream.”
People were fucked up that way.  Sometimes Justin hated life and every person around him.

They stabbed him in the back.  Again and again and again.
He would never know who it was.
Or why.

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