Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Day 58 - Harvester Story

Harvester Story
Matthew Ryan Fischer

Five men sat around a table.  The room was full of cigar smoke and the scent of stale beer, among other things.  A ceiling fan rotated above them, not doing much more than keeping the hot air turning and saving the room from becoming completely stagnant.
The sounds came from outside the door, down at the end of the hall.  The hall outside led to many private meetings spaces.  The sounds that came from those rooms were usually laughter or ecstasy or some combination of the two.  These sounds were not either of those.  They were dark and twisted and frightening.  They were the horrific screeching of a creature, a pulsing cacophony of the brutal and unidentifiable.  If it were just one man that heard it, it might be considered madness, but all five looked at each other, even though none of them spoke at first.
Clump… Clump… Clump…
They were quiet steps at first, a slow pace, measured and approaching.
Clump… Clump… Clump…
The men did not speak.  But their eyes exchanged glances.  They steadied each other.  Some tensed up.  Others searched the room for weapons.  One man slowly began to slip under the table.  No one was really sure what to expect.
A thud came at the door.  A steady, painful pounding followed.  Someone was knocking, someone wanted in.  No one moved.  No one answered.
A gust of wind kicked up all around.  For a moment the swirling smoke was too much and no one could see.  The doors burst open.  Something was there, but it was hidden in the shadows.  There was a sense and awareness felt.  It was a calm but unsettling feeling as if being watched from afar. 
A shadow fell across the room.  Shaped like a sickle, the blade cast down on the table, the end pointing at Jonas.

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